Finalist in V Uuno Klami Composition Competition

The International Uuno Klami Composition Competition now in its 20th year is one of the world’s biggest competitions of its kind in terms of participants. The distinguished Jury of internationally-renowned members – composers Kalevi Aho, Magnus Lindberg, Lotta Wennäkoski and Mats Larsson Gothe (Sweden) and conductor Ernest Martínez Izquierdo (Spain) – has selected the following five works for the final round:

Yves Balmer, 45 (France/Switzerland): Stiacciato
Jonathan Brigg, 39 (Britain): Reflektor
Matei Gheorghiu, 39 (Romania/Finland): From the Village of Nowhere (piano concerto)
Dawid Grenda, 21 (Poland): you dream in a language i can’t understand
Roberto Sansuini, 57 (Italy): FLOW (flute concerto)

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